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Shared Parenting during the Coronavirus

Shared Parenting during the Coronavirus

 I felt compelled to share my thoughts on how to best deal with the issues we are now faced with as a result of the Coronavirus.  My background includes working as a family law attorney dealing with divorces and custody disputes in Saint Lucie County with an office in...

A Better Way To Co-Parent

A Better Way To Co-Parent

You may not have had a choice with how your relationship ended with the other parent of your child but you do have a choice as to how you will co-parent.  This does not mean because you take an approach that focuses on the best interest of the child the other parent...

How to handle your spouse during the divorce process

How to handle your spouse during the divorce process

The first thing one must understand is you cannot dictate or control the behavior of your spouse.  Clearly, if you did not have this ability during the marriage you won't suddenly have this power because you are going through a divorce or break-up of the...

Dealing With the Stress of Litigation

Dealing With the Stress of Litigation

One of the things I have learned over the years; "change is stressful."  Likewise, a divorce case or paternity case can be stressful as several changes can be occurring at once; living arrangements, finances, relationship with significant other and in some cases,...